Friday, January 21, 2011


The word for today is “NO”. Surprised? Why do people act so strangely to the word ‘no’. The concept that every time we say ‘no’, it makes us sound spineless is wrong or perhaps overrated. Today the world teaches us to say ‘yes’ to everything that comes in front of us. From acting classes at school, to carrying out assignments at college, to overnights at work, there is always a moment where our conscience says “stop it” or “this is not (for) you” or “get some rest”, but our instinct says “go for it”. At that point of time what we need is the word “NO”. Believe me it is a life saver.
You must be thinking that it is easy for a person to get rid of his responsibilities just by blowing ‘no’ on someone’s/something’s face. It is not always the case and it is not that easy. Every ‘no’ has reasons, conflicts (with oneself) and is said after taking many things into consideration. Just like flirting with someone is an art (someone help me please), so is saying the word ‘no’.
The art of saying no cannot be taught. We say ‘no’ only if we disbelieve in whatever we are going to do. Let’s analyse a situation. You walk over to a government office to get a DL. The officer over there asks for a thousand bucks to carry out the process. Your inner self refuses you to hand over the money, but the impatient you wants you to drive your “Pulsar 220cc” right now. So what do you do? Say ‘no’. But how?  If you end up being rude there are chances you may never see your DL in the near future. There comes the art of saying ‘no’. I don’t know what the person should say (otherwise I would not have written this article) but the importance of ‘no’ is worth noticing.
So the next time you believe you are not the right person for the job, or you are not interested in doing something just give a ‘no’. Just a word of caution “be careful with your approach otherwise the consequences may be catastrophic”.         JJJ
Keep smiling................
PS: if your answer to the DL situation is yes, you are a disgrace to this nation.